Where can I find Whitefish road reports?
Montana Department of Transportation
- For up-to-date reports on road construction, as well as snow, ice and flooding conditions on the roadways go to http://www.mdt.mt.gov/travinfo/ or call 1-800-226-7623.
- To contact the Montana highway patrol call 1-800-525-5555.
- The website covers the entire state of Montana, as well as highlights the state’s driving laws and restrictions.
National Park Service
- To check the weather, as well as find the most up-to-date road conditions inside Glacier National Park visit http://home.nps.gov/applications/glac/roadstatus/roadstatus.cfm.
- The Going-to-the-Sun Road and Logan’s Pass often suffer from road closures due to weather. Even in July and August, the road can experience sudden snow and heavy storms, so it’s a good idea to visit the National Park’s road status page at http://home.nps.gov/applications/glac/roadstatus/roadstatus.cfm or call Glacier Park Visitors Information at 406-888-7800.