Going To The Sun Road, Montana

Whitefish Montana
> Scenic Drives
> Going To The Sun Road

Going To The Sun Road

An engineering feat completed in 1932, Going to the Sun Road is a photographer’s dream. For 50-miles the two-lane highway traverses Glacier National Park’s most spectacular scenery.

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  • An engineering feat over 50-miles long, the Going to the Sun Road is the only paved roadway that traverses the park. 
  • Bighorn sheep and mountain goats often share the roadway with drivers at the Going to the Sun Road’s higher elevations. 
  • During your descent from Logan Pass, drivers enjoy unparalleled views of Jackson Glacier.

Why should I drive the Going to the Sun Road?

Although Glacier National Park is best seen via its 730 miles of trails, the Going to the Sun Road offers visitors unable to hike a chance to take in some of the park’s greatest views. As the only paved road to traverse the park, it passes through elevations of 6,646 feet along Logan Pass on the Continental Divide.

In its journey across the park, the two-lane winding thoroughfare moves past majestic lakes and meadows to jaw-dropping mountain scenery. As the road begins to ascend past Avalanche Lake Trail, the road narrows and drivers move along the narrow cliff side road to the pinnacle at Logan’s Pass Visitor Center.

Crawling along the precipice intimidates many drivers, so the park offers guided tours and shuttles.

Where does the Going to the Sun Road begin and end?

Beginning at Lake MacDonald at West Glacier the two lane Going to the Sun Road curves along the lake past Avalanche Lake Trail. For 50 miles the road travels east over the peaks of the northern Rockies at Logan Pass and descends on the other side of the Continental Divide at St. Mary.

How long does the Going to the Sun Road take to drive?

At 50 miles long and a speed limit ranging from 40 mph, at the lower levels, and 25 mph at the higher elevations, driving the Going to the Sun Road could take several hours. Without stopping to enjoy the views at one of the many turnouts and visitor centers along the way, the journey will take about 2.5 hours. For those visitors wanting to enjoy a leisurely drive, stopping to take photographs along the way, the drive from Lake MacDonald to St. Mary could take 4 to 5 hours.

When can I drive the Going to the Sun Road?

Portions of Going to the Sun road are open year-round. Due to its high elevations, Logan Pass is typically open from mid-June through mid-September. Check Going to the Sun Road Status. Note that between June 15 and Labor Day, from 11am to 4pm, bike traffic is restricted on the Going to the Sun Road.

What will I see along the way?

Heaven’s Peak, Sperry Glacier and Cannon Mountain are just a few of the glacier-capped peaks viewed during your ascent up Going to the Sun Road. On your 18-mile descent from Logan’s Pass to St. Mary, drivers can stop at Jackson Glacier Overlook for outstanding views of a glacier. In addition to stunning scenery, Going to the Sun Road’s visitors have many opportunities to experience some of Glacier Park’s wildlife up close. It is a common occurrence to share the roadway with mountain goats and bighorn sheep. 

The Going to the Sun Road offers great wildlife viewing. From grizzly bears munching on huckleberries in Many Glacier to mountains goats grazing the cliff sides near Logan’s Pass.

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