What can I do at Stumptown Ice Den?
Operated by the Whitefish Parks and Recreation Department, Stumptown Ice Den offers year-round activities including adult and youth hockey leagues, figure skating, curling, public skating and private lessons.
Where is Stumptown Ice Den?
Located at 725 Wisconsin Avenue in Whitefish, Stumptown Ice Den is only 5 minutes from downtown. From the railroad station in downtown take Route 93 and cross over the viaduct onto Wisconsin Avenue. After 1-mile look for the ice rink on the right hand side.
When is Stumptown Ice Den open?
The ice rink is open year-round, 7-days a week for multi-use. Check the website for scheduled league activities and free skate hours.
How much does Stumptown Ice Den cost?
Public skating costs $8 with skate rentals priced at $4.
Who can I call if I have more questions?
Contact Stumptown Ice Den at 406-863-2477 or visit their website at www.stumptowniceden.org.